Source code for tastic.workspace.sync

# encoding: utf-8
*generate overview taskpaper documents containing tasks tagged with a sync-tags set within an entire workspace. There is also an option to sync with Apple Reminders (not implemented yet).*

    David Young

:Date Created:
    November 15, 2016
import sys
import os
import codecs
os.environ['TERM'] = 'vt100'
import urllib
from fundamentals import tools
from tastic.tastic import document
from fundamentals.files import recursive_directory_listing

[docs]class sync(): """ *The worker class for the sync module* **Key Arguments:** - ``log`` -- logger - ``settings`` -- the settings dictionary - ``workspaceRoot`` -- path to the root folder of a workspace containing taskpaper files - ``workspaceName`` -- the name of the workspace - ``syncFolder`` -- path to a folder to host your synced tag taskpaper documents. - ``editorialRootPath`` -- the root path of editorial's dropbox sync folder. Default *False* - ``includeFileTags`` -- if the tag is in the filepath (e.g. /@due/mytasks.taskpaper) include all items the file in that tag set. Default *True* **Usage:** To setup your logger, settings and database connections, please use the ``fundamentals`` package (`see tutorial here <>`_). To initiate a sync object, use the following: .. code-block:: python from tastic.workspace import sync tp = sync( log=log, settings=settings, workspaceRoot="/path/to/workspace/root", workspaceName="myWorkspace", syncFolder="/path/to/sync/folder", includeFileTags=True ) tp.sync() After this it is simply a matter of running `tp.sync()` to sync the sync-tag set into a taskpaper document in the syncFolder called `<workspaceName>-synced-tasks.taskpaper` """ # INITIALISATION
[docs] def __init__( self, log, workspaceRoot, workspaceName, syncFolder, settings=False, editorialRootPath=False, includeFileTags=True ): self.log = log self.log.debug("instansiating a new 'sync' object") self.settings = settings self.workspaceRoot = workspaceRoot self.syncFolder = syncFolder workflowTags = self.settings["workflowTags"] syncTagSets = self.settings["syncTagSets"] for k, v in syncTagSets.iteritems(): if not isinstance(v, list): v = v.split(",") clean = [] clean[:] = [c.strip() for c in v] clean2 = [] clean2[:] = ["@" + vv.strip() for vv in clean] syncTagSets[k] = clean if not isinstance(workflowTags, list): workflowTags = workflowTags.split(",") clean = [] clean[:] = [c.strip() for c in workflowTags] clean2 = [] clean2[:] = ["@" + vv.strip() for vv in clean] self.workflowTags = clean self.syncTagSets = syncTagSets self.workspaceName = workspaceName self.editorialRootPath = editorialRootPath self.includeFileTags = includeFileTags # xt-self-arg-tmpx # INITIAL ACTIONS # RECURSIVELY CREATE MISSING DIRECTORIES - FOR SYNCED TASKPAPER DOCS if not os.path.exists(self.syncFolder): os.makedirs(self.syncFolder) return None
[docs] def sync( self ): """ *sync the tasks tagged with a tag in the sync-tags set to index taskpaper document and HTML page* **Return:** - None see class docsting for usage """'starting the ``sync`` method') taskpaperFiles = self._get_all_taskpaper_files(self.workspaceRoot) for k, v in self.syncTagSets.iteritems(): self._complete_original_tasks(setName=k) for k, v in self.syncTagSets.iteritems(): workflowTagSet = False for tag in v: if tag in self.workflowTags: workflowTagSet = True content = self._get_tagged_content_from_taskpaper_files( taskpaperFiles, tagSet=v, workflowTagSet=workflowTagSet, includeFileTags=self.includeFileTags ) if content: taskpaperDocPath = self._create_single_taskpaper_task_list( content, setName=k) self._create_html_tasklist(taskpaperDocPath) # self._generate_sync_documents()'completed the ``sync`` method') return None
def _generate_sync_documents( self): """*generate sync documents* **Key Arguments:** # - **Return:** - None **Usage:** .. todo:: - add usage info - create a sublime snippet for usage - update package tutorial if needed .. code-block:: python usage code """'starting the ``_generate_sync_documents`` method') for tag in self.syncTags: pathToWriteFile = self.syncFolder + "/" + tag + ".taskpaper" try: self.log.debug("attempting to open the file %s" % (pathToWriteFile,)) writeFile = pathToWriteFile, encoding='utf-8', mode='w') except IOError, e: message = 'could not open the file %s' % (pathToWriteFile,) self.log.critical(message) raise IOError(message) writeFile.close()'completed the ``_generate_sync_documents`` method') return None def _get_all_taskpaper_files( self, workspaceRoot): """*get a list of all the taskpaper filepaths in the workspace (excluding the sync directory)* **Key Arguments:** - ``workspaceRoot`` -- path to the root folder of a workspace containing taskpaper files **Return:** - ``taskpaperFiles`` -- a list of paths to all the taskpaper files within the workspace """'starting the ``_get_all_taskpaper_files`` method') theseFiles = recursive_directory_listing( log=self.log, baseFolderPath=self.workspaceRoot, whatToList="files" # all | files | dirs ) taskpaperFiles = [] taskpaperFiles[:] = [f for f in theseFiles if os.path.splitext(f)[ 1] == ".taskpaper" and self.syncFolder not in f]'completed the ``_get_all_taskpaper_files`` method') return taskpaperFiles def _get_tagged_content_from_taskpaper_files( self, taskpaperFiles, tagSet, editorial=False, workflowTagSet=False, includeFileTags=True): """*get all tasks tagged with a sync-tag from taskpaper files* **Key Arguments:** - ``taskpaperFiles`` -- paths to all taskpaper files in workspace - ``tagSet`` -- the tagset to extract from the taskpaper files. - ``editorial`` -- format links for editorial ios apps - ``workflowTagSet`` -- does the tag set contain workflow tags (if not skip the non-live project lists) - ``includeFileTags`` -- if the tag is in the filepath (e.g. /@due/mytasks.taskpaper) include all items the file in that tag set **Return:** - ``content`` -- the given tagged content of all taskpaper files in a workspace (string) """ 'starting the ``_get_tagged_content_from_taskpaper_files`` method') content = "" for tp in taskpaperFiles: done = False if not workflowTagSet: for tag in ["@next", "@hold", "@done", "@someday"]: if "/" + tag + "/" in tp: done = True if done: continue # OPEN TASKPAPER FILE doc = document(tp) basename = os.path.basename(tp).replace("-", " ").upper() archive = doc.get_project("Archive") if archive: archive.delete() fileTagged = False done = False for tag in tagSet: if includeFileTags == True: tag = "@" + tag.replace("@", "") if "/%(tag)s/" % locals() in tp: fileTagged = True if "/@done/" in tp: done = True if done: continue # GENERATE THE EDITORIAL FILE LINK if self.editorialRootPath: tp = urllib.quote(tp) tp = tp.replace( self.editorialRootPath, "editorial://open") + "?root=dropbox" for tag in tagSet: tag = "@" + tag.replace("@", "") etag = "%40" + tag.replace("@", "") # DETERMINE THE SUBORDINATE/HIGH LEVEL TAGS lesserTags = [] greaterTags = [] if workflowTagSet: trumped = False else: trumped = True for t in self.workflowTags: if t == tag: trumped = True if t != tag: if trumped: lesserTags.append(t) else: greaterTags.append(t) # FOR DOCUMENT WITH THIS SYNC TAG filteredTasks = [] if ("/%(tag)s/" % locals() in tp or "/%(etag)s/" % locals() in tp) and includeFileTags == True: filteredTasks = doc.all_tasks() for ft in filteredTasks: trumped = False for t in ft.tags: if t in " ".join(greaterTags): trumped = True if not trumped: for t in lesserTags: ft.del_tag(t) ft.add_tag(tag) elif not fileTagged: filteredProjects = doc.tagged_projects(tag) for p in filteredProjects: allTasks = p.all_tasks() for ft in filteredTasks: trumped = False for t in ft.tags: if t in " ".join(greaterTags): trumped = True if not trumped: for t in lesserTags: ft.del_tag(t) ft.add_tag(tag) filteredTasks = doc.tagged_tasks(tag) for ft in filteredTasks: if "done" not in "".join(ft.tags): if "Project" in ft.parent.__repr__(): thisNote = tp + " > " + ft.parent.title[:-1] else: thisNote = tp ft.add_note(thisNote) content += ft.to_string() + "\n" 'completed the ``_get_tagged_content_from_taskpaper_files`` method') return content def _create_single_taskpaper_task_list( self, content, setName): """*create single, sorted taskpaper task list from content pulled in from all of the workspace taskpaper docs* **Key Arguments:** - ``content`` -- the content to add to the taskpaper task index - ``setName`` -- the name of the sync tag set **Return:** - ``taskpaperDocPath`` -- path to the task index taskpaper doc """ 'starting the ``_create_single_taskpaper_task_list`` method') taskpaperDocPath = None if len(content): # content = content.decode("utf-8") if self.editorialRootPath: taskpaperDocPath = self.syncFolder + "/e-" + \ self.workspaceName + "-" + setName + "-tasks.taskpaper" else: taskpaperDocPath = self.syncFolder + "/" + \ self.workspaceName + "-" + setName + "-tasks.taskpaper" try: self.log.debug("attempting to open the file %s" % (taskpaperDocPath,)) writeFile = taskpaperDocPath, encoding='utf-8', mode='w') except IOError, e: message = 'could not open the file %s' % (taskpaperDocPath,) self.log.critical(message) raise IOError(message) writeFile.write(content) writeFile.close() # OPEN TASKPAPER FILE if self.editorialRootPath: doc = document(self.syncFolder + "/e-" + self.workspaceName + "-" + setName + "-tasks.taskpaper") else: doc = document(self.syncFolder + "/" + self.workspaceName + "-" + setName + "-tasks.taskpaper") doc.sort_projects(workflowTags=self.workflowTags) doc.sort_tasks(workflowTags=self.workflowTags) 'completed the ``_create_single_taskpaper_task_list`` method') return taskpaperDocPath def _create_html_tasklist( self, taskpaperDocPath): """*create an html version of the single taskpaper index task list* **Key Arguments:** - ``taskpaperDocPath`` -- path to the task index taskpaper doc **Return:** - ``htmlFilePath`` -- the path to the output HTML file """'starting the ``_create_html_tasklist`` method') if self.editorialRootPath: return title = self.workspaceName content = "<h1>%(title)s tasks</h1><ul>\n" % locals() # OPEN TASKPAPER FILE doc = document(taskpaperDocPath) docTasks = doc.tasks for task in docTasks: tagString = " ".join(task.tags) tagString2 = "" for t in task.tags: t1 = t.split("(")[0] tagString2 += """ <span class="%(t1)s tag">@%(t)s</span>""" % locals() notes = task.notes filepath = notes[0].title.split(" > ")[0] basename = os.path.basename(filepath).replace( ".taskpaper", "").replace("-", " ") filepath = "dryx-open://" + filepath taskTitle = u"""<a href="%(filepath)s"><span class="bullet %(tagString)s">◉</span> </a>""" % locals() + \ task.title[2:] + tagString2 if len(notes[0].title.split(" > ")) > 1: parent = notes[0].title.split(" > ")[1] parent = """<span class="parent">%(basename)s > %(parent)s</span></br>\n""" % locals( ) else: parent = """<span class="parent">%(basename)s</span></br>\n""" % locals( ) taskContent = """</span>\n\t\t</br><span class="notes">""".join(task.to_string( title=False, indentLevel=0).split("\n")[1:]) if len(taskContent): taskContent = """\n\t<br><span class="notes">""" + \ taskContent + """\n\t</span>""" else: taskContent = "" htmlTask = """<li class="XXX">%(parent)s%(taskTitle)s%(taskContent)s</li>\n""" % locals() content += htmlTask content += "</ul>" htmlFilePath = taskpaperDocPath.replace(".taskpaper", ".html") try: self.log.debug("attempting to open the file %s" % (htmlFilePath,)) writeFile = htmlFilePath, encoding='utf-8', mode='w') except IOError, e: message = 'could not open the file %s' % (htmlFilePath,) self.log.critical(message) raise IOError(message) writeFile.write(content) writeFile.close()'completed the ``_create_html_tasklist`` method') return htmlFilePath def _complete_original_tasks( self, setName): """*mark original tasks as completed if they are marked as complete in the index taskpaper document* **Key Arguments:** - ``setName`` -- the name of the sync tag set """'starting the ``_complete_original_tasks`` method') if self.editorialRootPath: taskpaperDocPath = self.syncFolder + "/e-" + \ self.workspaceName + "-" + setName + "-tasks.taskpaper" else: taskpaperDocPath = self.syncFolder + "/" + \ self.workspaceName + "-" + setName + "-tasks.taskpaper" exists = os.path.exists(taskpaperDocPath) if not exists: return # OPEN TASKPAPER INDEX FILE doc = document(taskpaperDocPath) doneTasks = doc.tagged_tasks("@done") for t in doneTasks: theseNotes = t.notes parent = t.parent while not len(theseNotes) and parent and parent.parent: theseNotes = parent.notes parent = parent.parent if self.editorialRootPath: theseNotes[0].title = theseNotes[0].title.replace( "editorial://open", self.editorialRootPath).replace("?root=dropbox", "") theseNotes[0].title = urllib.unquote( theseNotes[0].title).replace("%40", "@") originalFile = theseNotes[0].title.split(" > ")[0].strip() if len(theseNotes[0].title.split(" > ")) > 1: projectName = theseNotes[0].title.split(" > ")[1].strip() else: projectName = False odoc = document(originalFile) odoc.tidy() odoc = document(originalFile) if projectName: thisObject = odoc.get_project(projectName) else: thisObject = odoc oTask = thisObject.get_task(t.title) if oTask: oTask.done("all")'completed the ``_complete_original_tasks`` method') return None
# use the tab-trigger below for new method # xt-class-method