tastic.cl_utils module

Documentation for tastic can be found here: http://tastic-for-taskpaper.readthedocs.io/en/stable/

tastic init tastic sort <pathToFileOrWorkspace> [-s <pathToSettingsFile>] tastic archive <pathToFileOrWorkspace> [-s <pathToSettingsFile>] tastic [-f] sync <pathToWorkspace> <workspaceName> <pathToSyncFolder> [<editorialRootPath>] [-s <pathToSettingsFile>] tastic reminders import <listName> <pathToTaskpaperDoc>

init setup the tastic settings file for the first time sort sort a taskpaper file or directory containing taskpaper files via workflow tags in settings file archive move done tasks in the ‘Archive’ projects within taskpaper documents into markdown tasklog files reminders commands to work with macOS reminders import import tasks into a given taskpaper document

pathToFileOrWorkspace give a path to an individual taskpaper file or the root of a workspace containing taskpaper files pathToTaskpaperDoc a path to a taskpaper document pathToWorkspace root path of a workspace containing taskpaper files workspaceName the name you give to the workspace pathToSyncFolder path to the folder you wish to sync the index task files into listName name of a reminders.app list (macOS only) editorialRootPath the root path of editorial’s dropbox sync folder (add to generate an editorial URL for each task) -h, –help show this help message -v, –version show version -s, –settings the settings file -f, –fileTags if the tag to sync is in the filepath (e.g. /@due/mytasks.taskpaper) include all items the file in that tag set


The main function used when ``cl_utils.py`` is run as a single script from the cl, or when installed as a cl command