Source code for tastic.tastic

# encoding: utf-8
*A library of tools for working with plain-text taskpaper documents*


:Date Created:
    September  2, 2016
################# GLOBAL IMPORTS ####################
import sys
import os
import re
import codecs
import collections
from datetime import datetime, date, time

[docs]class baseClass(): """ *This is the base class for all taskpaper objects: documents, projects and tasks* **Key Arguments:** - ``matchObject`` -- a dictionary containing the constituent parts of the object - ``parentObject`` -- the parent object containing this taskpaper object. Default *None* """
[docs] def __init__(self, matchObject, parentObject=None): self.meta = matchObject if self.meta["content"] == None: self.meta["content"] = "" self.parent = parentObject
@property def raw_content( self): """*The raw, untidied content of the taskpaper object* **Usage:** To return the inital raw content for the matched object (document, project, task or note) .. code-block:: python print project.raw_content print note.raw_content print task.raw_content """ return self.meta["raw_content"] @property def projects(self): """*All child projects of this taskpaper object* **Usage:** Given a taskpaper document object (`doc`), to get a list of the project objects found within the document use: .. code-block:: python docProjects = doc.projects The same is true of project objects which may contain sub-projects: .. code-block:: python aProject = docProjects[0] subProjects = aProject.projects """ return self._get_object( regex=re.compile( r'((?<=\n)|(?<=^))(?P<title>(?!\[Searches\]|- )\S.*?:(?!\S)) *(?P<tagString>( *?@[^(\s]+(\([^)]*\))?)+)?(?P<content>(\n(( |\t)+\S.*)|\n( |\t)*|\n)+)', re.UNICODE), objectType="project", content=None ) @property def tasks(self): """*list of the tasks assoicated with this object* **Usage:** Given a taskpaper document object (`doc`), get a list of top-level tasks associated with the document using: .. code-block:: python docTasks = doc.tasks The same is true of project and task objects that may contain sub-tasks: .. code-block:: python aProject.tasks aTasks.tasks """ return self._get_object( regex=re.compile( r'((?<=\n)|(?<=^))(?P<title>- ((?! @).)*)( *(?P<tagString>( *?@[^(\s]+(\([^)]*\))?)+))?(?P<content>(\n(( |\t)+\S.*)|\n( |\t)*)*)', re.UNICODE), objectType="task", content=None ) @property def content( self): """*The text content of this object (excluding title)* Much like the `raw_content` of an object, but does not include a title or tags. The initial indentation is also removed. For a document object the `content` is synonymous with `raw_content`. **Usage:** .. code-block:: python pContent = aProject.content tContent = aTask.content """ reIndent = re.compile(r'^(?P<indent>\s+).*?$', re.UNICODE) cleanedContent = "" replaceContent = "" # FIND THE SMALLEST INDENT LEVEL IN THE CONTENT lowestIndent = "\t" * 10 for line in self.meta["content"].split("\n"): if len(line.strip()) == 0: continue matchObject = reIndent.match(line) if matchObject: indent ="indent") if len(indent) < len(lowestIndent): lowestIndent = indent # STRIP OFF THE SMALLEST INDENT LEVEL FROM CONTENT for line in self.meta["content"].split("\n"): if len(line.strip()) == 0: continue cleanedContent += line[len(lowestIndent):] + "\n" replaceContent += line + "\n" self.meta["content"] = replaceContent[:-1] return cleanedContent[:-1] @property def title( self): """*The title of this taskpaper object* **Usage:** .. code-block:: python aProject.title aTasks.title aNote.title """ return self.meta["title"] @property def tags( self): """*The list of tags associated with this taskpaper object* **Usage:** .. project and task objects can have associated tags. To get a list of tags assigned to an object use: .. code-block:: python projectTag = aProject.tags taskTags = aTasks.tags print projectTag > ['flag', 'home(bathroom)'] """ tags = [] regex = re.compile(r'@[^@]*', re.S) if self.meta["tagString"]: matchList = regex.findall(self.meta["tagString"]) for m in matchList: tags.append(m.strip().replace("@", "")) return tags @property def notes(self): """*list of the notes assoicated with this object* **Usage:** The document, project and task objects can all contain notes. .. code-block:: python docNotes = doc.notes projectNotes = aProject.notes taskNotes = aTask.notes """ return self._get_object( regex=re.compile( r'((?<=\n)|(?<=^))(?P<title>\S(?<!-)((?!(: +@|: *\n|: *$)).)*)\s*?(\n|$)(?P<tagString>&&&)?(?P<content>&&&)?', re.UNICODE), objectType="note", content=None ) @property def parent( self): """*This taskpaper object's parent object (if any)* **Usage:** To reserve up the taskpaper document tree and find the parent object that contains this object (e.g. the document containing the task you're working with) use the following: .. code-block:: python taskParent = aTasks.parent print taskParent prints the following .. code-block:: text <Taskpaper Document `saturday-tasks.taskpaper`> """ return self.parent
[docs] def get_project( self, projectName): """*recursively scan this taskpaper object to find a descendant project by name* **Key Arguments:** - ``projectName`` -- the name, or title, of the project you want to return **Return:** - ``project`` -- the taskpaper project object you requested (or ``None`` if no project was matched) **Usage:** .. code-block:: python archiveProject = doc.get_project("Archive") """ if projectName[-1] != ":": projectName += ":" project = None for p in self.projects: if p.title.lower() == projectName.lower(): project = p break if project == None: for p in self.projects: project = p.get_project(projectName) if project: break return project
[docs] def get_task( self, taskName): """*recursively scan this taskpaper object to find a descendant task by name* **Key Arguments:** - ``taskName`` -- the name, or title, of the task you want to return **Return:** - ``task`` -- the taskpaper task object you requested (or ``None`` if no task was matched) **Usage:** .. code-block:: python aTask = doc.get_task("cut the grass") """ if taskName[:2] != "- ": taskName = "- " + taskName task = None try: self.refresh except: pass # SEARCH TASKS for t in self.tasks: if t.title.lower() == taskName.lower() and task == None: task = t break # SEARCH TASK CONTENTS if task == None: for t in self.tasks: task = t.get_task(taskName) if task: break # SEARCH PROJECT CONTENTS if task == None and "<Task " not in self.__repr__(): for p in self.projects: task = p.get_task(taskName) if task: break return task
[docs] def to_string( self, indentLevel=1, title=True, tags=None, projects=None, tasks=None, notes=None): """*convert this taskpaper object to a string* **Key Arguments:** - ``indentLevel`` -- the level of the indent for this object. Default *1*. - ``title`` -- print the title of the taskpaper object alongside the contents. Default *True* - ``tags`` -- replace tags with these tags. Default *None* - ``projects`` -- replace projects with these projects, pass empty list to delete all projects. Default *None* - ``tasks`` -- replace tasks with these ones, pass empty list to delete all tasks. Default *None* - ``notes`` -- replace notes with these ones, pass empty list to delete all notes. Default *None* **Return:** - ``objectString`` -- the taskpaper object as a string **Usage:** If we have the *archive* project from a taskpaper document, we can convert it to a string using: .. code-block:: python print archiveProject.to_string() .. code-block:: text Archive: - and a third task @done(2016-09-04) @project(parent project / child-project) - and a forth task @done(2016-09-04) @project(parent project / child-project) - fill the kettle @done(2016-09-04) @project(parent project / make coffee) - boil the kettle @done(2016-09-04) @project(parent project / make coffee) """ indent = indentLevel * "\t" objectString = "" if title: try: # NONE DOCUMENT OBJECTS objectString += self.title except: pass try: if tags: tagString = (" @").join(tags) else: tagString = (" @").join(self.tags) if len(tagString): objectString += " @" + tagString except: pass try: if not notes: notes = self.notes for n in notes: if len(n.title.strip()): if not self.parent and len(objectString) == 0: objectString += indent + n.title.strip() + n.content else: objectString += "\n" + indent + n.title.strip() + n.content except: pass try: if not tasks: tasks = self.tasks for t in tasks: objectString += "\n" + indent + t.to_string(indentLevel + 1) except: pass try: if not projects: projects = self.projects for p in projects: objectString += "\n" + indent + p.to_string(indentLevel + 1) except: pass try: objectString += "\n" + indent + self.searches except: pass return objectString.strip()
[docs] def tagged_projects( self, tag): """*return a list of projects contained within this taskpaper object filtered by a given tag* **Key Arguments:** - ``tag`` -- the tag to filter the projects by. **Return:** - ``projectList`` -- the list of filtered projects **Usage:** To filter the projects recursively found with a taskpaper document object and return only those projects tagged with ``flag``, using the following: .. code-block:: python filteredProjects = doc.tagged_projects("flag") for p in filteredProjects: print p.title Note you can give the tag with or without the *@*, and you can also give a tag attribute, e.g. ``@due(today)`` """ self.refresh projectList = [] tag = tag.replace("@", "").lower() for p in self.projects: for aTag in p.tags: if "(" not in tag: aTag = aTag.split("(")[0] if aTag.lower() == tag: projectList.append(p) break subProjects = p.tagged_projects(tag) projectList += subProjects return projectList
[docs] def tagged_tasks( self, tag): """*return a list of tasks contained within this taskpaper object filtered by a given tag* **Key Arguments:** - ``tag`` -- the tag to filter the tasks by. **Return:** - ``taskList`` -- the list of filtered tasks **Usage:** To filter the tasks recursively found with a taskpaper document object and return only those tasks tagged with ``flag``, using the following: .. code-block:: python filteredTasks = doc.tagged_tasks("@flag") for t in filteredTasks: print t.title Note you can give the tag with or without the *@*, and you can also give a tag attribute, e.g. ``@due(today)`` """ self.refresh tasksList = [] tag = tag.replace("@", "").lower() for t in self.tasks: for aTag in t.tags: if "(" not in tag: aTag = aTag.split("(")[0] if aTag.lower() == tag: tasksList.append(t) break subtasks = t.tagged_tasks(tag) tasksList += subtasks isProject = False try: this = self.projects isProject = True except: pass if isProject: for p in self.projects: subtasks = p.tagged_tasks(tag) tasksList += subtasks return tasksList
[docs] def all_tasks( self): """*return a flat list of all tasks contained within this taskpaper object* **Return:** - ``taskList`` -- a flat list of all tasks **Usage:** To return a flat list of all tasks recursively found with a taskpaper document object, use the following: .. code-block:: python allTasks = doc.all_tasks() for t in allTasks: print t.title """ self.refresh tasksList = [] for t in self.tasks: tasksList.append(t) subtasks = t.all_tasks() tasksList += subtasks isProject = False try: this = self.projects isProject = True except: pass if isProject: for p in self.projects: subtasks = p.all_tasks() tasksList += subtasks return tasksList
[docs] def sort_projects( self, workflowTags): """*order the projects within this taskpaper object via a list of tags* The order of the tags in the list dictates the order of the sort - first comes first* **Key Arguments:** - ``workflowTags`` -- a string of space/comma seperated tags. **Return:** - ``None`` **Usage:** To recursively sort the projects within a taskpaper document with the following order: 1. *@due* 2. *@flag* 3. *@hold* 4. *@next* 5. *@someday* 6. *@wait* use the following: .. code-block:: python doc.sort_projects("@due, @flag, @hold, @next, @someday, @wait") """ self.refresh if not isinstance(workflowTags, list): workflowTagsLists = workflowTags.strip().replace(",", "").replace("@", "") workflowTagsLists = workflowTagsLists.split(" ") else: workflowTagsLists = [] workflowTagsLists[:] = [l.replace("@", "") for l in workflowTags] matchedProjects = collections.OrderedDict() unmatchedProjects = [] for wt in workflowTagsLists: matchedProjects[wt.lower()] = [] for p in self.projects: matched = False for pt in p.tags: if matched: break for wt in workflowTagsLists: thisTag = pt.lower() if "(" not in wt: thisTag = pt.split("(")[0].lower() if thisTag == wt.lower() and matched == False: matchedProjects[wt.lower()].append(p) matched = True break if matched == False: unmatchedProjects.append(p) sortedProjects = [] for k, v in matchedProjects.iteritems(): sortedProjects += v sortedProjects += unmatchedProjects self.projects = sortedProjects self.content = self.to_string( title=False, projects=sortedProjects, indentLevel=0) for p in self.projects: p.projects = p.sort_projects(workflowTags) # ADD DIRECTLY TO CONTENT IF THE PROJECT IS BEING ADDED SPECIFICALLY TO # THIS OBJECT oldContent = self.to_string(indentLevel=1) newContent = self.to_string( indentLevel=1, projects=sortedProjects) if self.parent: self.parent._update_document_tree( oldContent=oldContent, newContent=newContent ) self.content = self.content.replace(self.to_string(indentLevel=0, title=False), self.to_string( indentLevel=0, title=False, projects=sortedProjects)) self.refresh return sortedProjects
[docs] def sort_tasks( self, workflowTags, indentLevel=1): """*order tasks within this taskpaper object via a list of tags* The order of the tags in the list dictates the order of the sort - first comes first* **Key Arguments:** - ``workflowTags`` -- a string of space seperated tags. **Return:** - ``None`` **Usage:** To recursively sort the tasks within a taskpaper document with the following order: 1. *@due* 2. *@flag* 3. *@hold* 4. *@next* 5. *@someday* 6. *@wait* use the following: .. code-block:: python doc.sort_tasks("@due, @flag, @hold, @next, @someday, @wait") """ self.refresh if not isinstance(workflowTags, list): workflowTagsLists = workflowTags.strip().replace(",", "").replace("@", "") workflowTagsLists = workflowTagsLists.split(" ") else: workflowTagsLists = [] workflowTagsLists[:] = [l.replace("@", "") for l in workflowTags] matchedTasks = collections.OrderedDict(sorted({}.items())) unmatchedTasks = [] for wt in workflowTagsLists: matchedTasks[wt.lower()] = [] for t in self.tasks: matched = False for tt in t.tags: if matched: break for wt in workflowTagsLists: thisTag = tt.lower() if "(" not in wt: thisTag = tt.split("(")[0].lower() if thisTag == wt.lower() and matched == False: matchedTasks[wt.lower()].append(t) matched = True break if matched == False: unmatchedTasks.append(t) sortedTasks = [] for k, v in matchedTasks.iteritems(): sortedTasks += v oldContent = self.to_string(indentLevel=1) sortedTasks += unmatchedTasks self.tasks = sortedTasks self.content = self.to_string( title=False, tasks=sortedTasks, indentLevel=0) hasProjects = False try: this = self.projects hasProjects = True except: pass if hasProjects: for p in self.projects: p.tasks = p.sort_tasks(workflowTags, 1) for t in self.tasks: t.tasks = t.sort_tasks(workflowTags, 1) # ADD DIRECTLY TO CONTENT IF THE PROJECT IS BEING ADDED SPECIFICALLY TO # THIS OBJECT newContent = self.to_string( tasks=sortedTasks, indentLevel=1) if self.parent: self.parent._update_document_tree( oldContent=oldContent, newContent=newContent ) self.content = self.content.replace(self.to_string(indentLevel=0, title=False), self.to_string( indentLevel=0, title=False, tasks=sortedTasks)) self.refresh return sortedTasks
def _get_object( self, regex, objectType, content=None ): # INITIATE THE OBJECTS LIST objectList = [] # READ THE CONTENT OF THE PARENT OBJECT if not content: content = self.content # FIND ALL OCCURANCE OF THE REGEX IN CONTENT thisIter = regex.finditer(content) for item in thisIter: match = { "title":"title"), "tagString":"tagString"), "content":"content"), "startIndex": item.start(), "endIndex": item.end(), "raw_content": } if objectType == "project": objectList.append(project(match, self)) if objectType == "note": objectList.append(note(match, self)) if objectType == "task": objectList.append(task(match, self)) if objectType == "searchBlock": objectList = return objectList
[docs] def tidy(self): """*Tidy this taskpapaer object so that sub-objects appear in this order: title, tags, notes, tasks, projects* **Return:** - ``None`` **Usage:** When a taskpaper document is opened it is tidied by default. To tidy the document object (or project or task) use the command: .. code-block:: python doc.tidy() """ try: self.tags.sort(lambda x, y: cmp(len(x), len(y))) except: pass try: for t in self.tasks: t.tidy() except: pass try: for p in self.projects: p.tidy() except: pass # REMOVE BLANK LINES if self.content: if self.parent: self.content = ("\n").join(self.to_string( indentLevel=0).split("\n")[1:]) else: regex = re.compile(r'\s*?\n\s*?\n') while "\n\n" in self.content: self.content = regex.sub("\n", self.content) if not self.parent: self.content = self.to_string( indentLevel=0, title=False) return None
[docs] def add_project( self, title, tags=None): """*Add a project to this taskpaper object* **Key Arguments:** - ``title`` -- the title for the project. - ``tags`` -- tag string (*"@one @two(data)"*) or list of tags (*['one', 'two(data)']*) - ``oldContent`` -- the old content to be replaced in parent object (user sould not need to give this) - ``newContent`` -- the replacement text for the parent object (user sould not need to give this) **Return:** - ``project`` -- the new taskpaper project object **Usage:** To add a sub-project to a taskpaper document or project use: .. code-block:: python newProject = doc.add_project( title="this is a projects I added", tags="@with @tags" ) """ self.refresh project = title.strip() if ":" != project[-1]: project += ":" if tags: if isinstance(tags, list): if "@" not in tags[0]: tagString = (" @").join(tags) tagString = "@" + tagString else: tagString = (" ").join(tags) else: tagString = tags tagString = tagString.strip() project += " " + tagString newProject = self._get_object( regex=re.compile( r'((?<=\n)|(?<=^))(?P<title>(?!\[Searches\]|- )\S.*?:(?!\S)) *(?P<tagString>( *?@[^(\s]+(\([^)]*\))?)+)?(?P<content>(\n(( |\t)+\S.*)|\n( |\t)*|\n)+)', re.UNICODE), objectType="project", content=project ) # ADD DIRECTLY TO CONTENT IF THE PROJECT IS BEING ADDED SPECIFICALLY TO # THIS OBJECT oldContent = self.to_string(indentLevel=1) newContent = self.to_string( indentLevel=1, projects=self.projects + newProject) if self.parent: doc = self.parent._update_document_tree( oldContent=oldContent, newContent=newContent ) self.content = self.content.replace(self.to_string(indentLevel=0, title=False), self.to_string( indentLevel=0, title=False, projects=self.projects + newProject)) doc = self while doc.parent: doc = doc.parent doc.refresh if not self.parent: parent = self else: parent = doc.get_project(self.title) thisProject = parent.get_project(title) self.refresh return thisProject
def _update_document_tree( self, oldContent=None, newContent=None): """*update document tree* **Key Arguments:** - ``oldContent`` -- the old content to be replaced in parent object (user sould not need to give this) - ``newContent`` -- the replacement text for the parent object (user sould not need to give this) **Return:** - ``doc`` -- the updated document object """ self.refresh if self.parent: self.refresh indentOldContent = "" indentNewContent = "" for l in oldContent.split("\n"): indentOldContent += "\t" + l + "\n" uoldContent = indentOldContent[:-1] for l in newContent.split("\n"): indentNewContent += "\t" + l + "\n" unewContent = indentNewContent[:-1] thisOldContent = self.to_string(indentLevel=1) thisNewContent = thisOldContent.replace(uoldContent, unewContent) self.content = self.to_string( indentLevel=0, title=False).replace(oldContent, newContent) self.content = self.to_string( indentLevel=0, title=False).replace(oldContent, newContent) # REPLACE THE NEW CONTENT OF THIS PROJECT IN THE PARENT OBJECT'S # CONTENT doc = self.parent._update_document_tree( oldContent=thisOldContent, newContent=thisNewContent ) else: self.content = self.content.replace(oldContent, newContent) doc = self self.refresh return doc
[docs] def add_tag( self, tag): """*Add a tag this taskpaper object* **Key Arguments:** - ``tag`` -- the tag to add to the object **Usage:** .. code-block:: python aTask.add_tag("@due") """ if tag.replace("@", "") in self.tags: return self.refresh oldContent = self.to_string(indentLevel=1) self.tags += [tag.replace("@", "")] newContent = self.to_string(indentLevel=1) # ADD DIRECTLY TO CONTENT IF THE PROJECT IS BEING ADDED SPECIFICALLY TO # THIS OBJECT self.parent._update_document_tree( oldContent=oldContent, newContent=newContent ) self.refresh return None
[docs] def del_tag( self, tag): """*delete a tag this taskpaper object* **Key Arguments:** - ``tag`` -- the tag to delete to the object **Usage:** .. code-block:: python aTask.del_tag("@due") """ if tag.replace("@", "") not in self.tags: return self.refresh oldContent = self.to_string(indentLevel=1) newTags = [] newTags[:] = [n for n in newTags if tag not in n] self.tags = newTags newContent = self.to_string(indentLevel=1) # ADD DIRECTLY TO CONTENT IF THE PROJECT IS BEING ADDED SPECIFICALLY TO # THIS OBJECT self.parent._update_document_tree( oldContent=oldContent, newContent=newContent ) self.refresh return None
[docs] def set_tags( self, tags=""): """*Set the tags for this taskpaper object* **Key Arguments:** - ``tags`` -- a tag string to set **Usage:** .. code-block:: python aTask.set_tags("@due @mac") """ self.refresh tagList = [] regex = re.compile(r'@[^@]*', re.S) matchList = regex.findall(tags) for m in matchList: tagList.append(m.strip().replace("@", "")) self.refresh oldContent = self.to_string(indentLevel=1) self.tags = tagList newContent = self.to_string(indentLevel=1) # ADD DIRECTLY TO CONTENT IF THE PROJECT IS BEING ADDED SPECIFICALLY TO # THIS OBJECT self.parent._update_document_tree( oldContent=oldContent, newContent=newContent ) self.refresh return None
[docs] def done( self, depth="root"): """*mark this object as done* **Key Arguments:** - ``depth`` -- either mark root item as done or all recursive items. Default *"root"*. ["root"|"all"] **Usage:** To mark a task or project as done" .. code-block:: python aTask.done() Or or mark the object as done as well all descendant tasks and projects: .. code-block:: python aTask.done("all") """ self.refresh oldContent = self.to_string(indentLevel=1) now = now = now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") newContent = self.to_string( indentLevel=1, tags=["done(%(now)s)" % locals()]) # ADD DIRECTLY TO CONTENT IF THE PROJECT IS BEING ADDED SPECIFICALLY TO # THIS OBJECT self.parent._update_document_tree( oldContent=oldContent, newContent=newContent ) if depth == "all": try: for t in self.tasks: t.done("all") except: pass try: for p in self.projects: t.done("all") except: pass self.content = self.to_string(indentLevel=0, title=False) self.refresh return self
[docs] def notestr( self): """*return the notes of this object as a string* **Return:** - ``notestr`` -- the notes as a string **Usage:** .. code-block:: python doc.notestr """ self.refresh notestr = "" for n in self.notes: if len(n.title.strip()): notestr += "\n" + n.title.strip() + n.content return notestr
[docs] def add_task( self, title, tags=None): """*Add a task to this taskpaper object* **Key Arguments:** - ``title`` -- the title for the task. - ``tags`` -- tag string (*'@one @two(data)'*) or list of tags (*['one', 'two(data)']*) **Return:** - ``task`` -- the new taskpaper task object **Usage:** To add a task to an object (document, project, or task) use: .. code-block:: python newTask = doc.add_task("this is a task I added", "@with @tags") """ self.refresh task = title.strip() if task[:2] != "- ": task = "- " + task if tags: if isinstance(tags, list): if "@" not in tags[0]: tagString = (" @").join(tags) tagString = "@" + tagString else: tagString = (" ").join(tags) else: tagString = tags tagString = tagString.strip() task += " " + tagString newTask = self._get_object( regex=re.compile( r'((?<=\n)|(?<=^))(?P<title>- ((?! @).)*)( *(?P<tagString>( *?@[^(\s]+(\([^)]*\))?)+))?(?P<content>(\n(( |\t)+\S.*)|\n( |\t)*)*)', re.UNICODE), objectType="task", content=task ) # ADD DIRECTLY TO CONTENT IF THE PROJECT IS BEING ADDED SPECIFICALLY TO # THIS OBJECT oldContent = self.to_string(indentLevel=1) newContent = self.to_string( indentLevel=1, tasks=self.tasks + newTask) if self.parent: doc = self.parent._update_document_tree( oldContent=oldContent, newContent=newContent ) self.content = self.content.replace(self.to_string(indentLevel=0, title=False), self.to_string( indentLevel=0, title=False, tasks=self.tasks + newTask)) doc = self while doc.parent: doc = doc.parent doc.refresh if not self.parent: parent = self else: parent = doc.get_project(self.title) if not parent: parent = doc.get_task(self.title) thisTask = parent.get_task(title) self.refresh return thisTask
[docs] def add_note( self, note): """*Add a note to this taskpaper object* **Key Arguments:** - ``note`` -- the note (string) **Return:** - None **Usage:** To add a note to a document, project or task object: .. code-block:: python newNote = doc.add_note(And another note with a link") """ self.refresh note = note.strip() newNote = self._get_object( regex=re.compile( r'((?<=\n)|(?<=^))(?P<title>\S(?<!-)((?!(: +@|: *\n|: *$)).)*)\s*?(\n|$)(?P<tagString>&&&)?(?P<content>&&&)?', re.UNICODE), objectType="note", content=note ) # ADD DIRECTLY TO CONTENT IF THE PROJECT IS BEING ADDED SPECIFICALLY TO # THIS OBJECT oldContent = self.to_string(indentLevel=1) newContent = self.to_string( indentLevel=1) if self.parent: self.parent._update_document_tree( oldContent=oldContent, newContent=newContent ) self.notes = newNote + self.notes self.content = self.content.replace(self.to_string(indentLevel=0, title=False), self.to_string( indentLevel=0, title=False)) doc = self while doc.parent: doc = doc.parent doc.refresh return newNote[0]
[docs]class document(baseClass): """ *This is the taskpaper document object - top level object* **Key Arguments:** - ``filepath`` -- path to the taskpaper document **Usage:** To read a taskpaper document, use something like this: .. code-block:: python # READ IN A TASKPAPER FILE from tastic.tastic import document taskpaperFile = "path/to/saturday-tasks.taskpaper" doc = document(taskpaperFile) Note that tastic will tidy the contents of the file when it is read into memory. See the `tidy()` method for details. """
[docs] def __init__(self, filepath, parentObject=None): self.filepath = filepath self.raw_content = self._get_raw_content() self.content = self.raw_content self.level = -1 self.parent = None self.filename = os.path.basename(self.filepath)
def __repr__(self): return "<Taskpaper Document `%s`>" % self.filename @property def raw_content( self): """*The raw, untidied content of this taskpaper document* **Usage:** .. code-block:: python # DISPLAY THE RAW CONTENT OF THE DOCUMENT print doc.raw_content """ return self.raw_content def _get_raw_content(self): readFile =, encoding='utf-8', mode='r') content =" ", "\t") readFile.close() return content @property def tags(self): """*document objects have no tags*""" raise AttributeError("document object has no tags attribute") @property def searches(self): """*The search-block (if any) associated with this document* **Usage:** .. code-block:: python # DOCUMENT SEARCHES docSearchBlock = doc.searches """ return self._get_object( regex=re.compile( r'((?<=\n)|(?<=^))(?P<title>\[Searches\]:) *(?P<tagString>( *?@\S*(\(.*?\))?)+)?(?P<content>(\n( |\t).*)*)', re.UNICODE), objectType="searchBlock", content=None )
[docs] def save( self, copypath=None): """*save the content of the document back to the file* **Key Arguments:** - ``copypath`` -- the path to a new file if you want to make a copy of the document instead of saving it to the original filepath. Default *None* **Usage:** To save the document to file run: .. code-block:: python Or to copy the content to another file run the save method with a new filepath as an argument: .. code-block:: python"/path/to/saturday-tasks-copy.taskpaper") """ self.refresh if copypath: self.filepath = copypath content = self.content import codecs # SET ENCODE ERROR RETURN VALUE writeFile =, encoding='utf-8', mode='w') writeFile.write(content) writeFile.close() return None
@property def refresh( self): """*Refreshs this documents's attributesd* **Usage:** To refresh the taskpaper document: .. code-block:: python doc.refresh """ self.projects = self._get_object( regex=re.compile( r'((?<=\n)|(?<=^))(?P<title>(?!\[Searches\]|- )\S.*?:(?!\S)) *(?P<tagString>( *?@[^(\s]+(\([^)]*\))?)+)?(?P<content>(\n(( |\t)+\S.*)|\n( |\t)*|\n)+)', re.UNICODE), objectType="project", content=None ) self.tasks = self._get_object( regex=re.compile( r'((?<=\n)|(?<=^))(?P<title>- ((?! @).)*)( *(?P<tagString>( *?@[^(\s]+(\([^)]*\))?)+))?(?P<content>(\n(( |\t)+\S.*)|\n( |\t)*)*)', re.UNICODE), objectType="task", content=None ) self.notes = self._get_object( regex=re.compile( r'((?<=\n)|(?<=^))(?P<title>\S(?<!-)((?!(: +@|: *\n|: *$)).)*)\s*?(\n|$)(?P<tagString>&&&)?(?P<content>&&&)?', re.UNICODE), objectType="note", content=None ) = self._get_object( regex=re.compile( r'((?<=\n)|(?<=^))(?P<title>\[Searches\]:) *(?P<tagString>( *?@\S*(\(.*?\))?)+)?(?P<content>(\n( |\t).*)*)', re.UNICODE), objectType="searchBlock", content=None ) return None
[docs] def set_tags(self): raise AttributeError("document object has no 'set_tags' method")
[docs] def add_tag(self): raise AttributeError("document object has no 'add_tag' method")
[docs] def done(self): raise AttributeError("document object has no 'done' method")
[docs]class task(baseClass): """ *The taskpaper task object* """ def __repr__(self): return "<Task `%s` (%s)>" % (self.title, self.tags) @property def projects(self): return [] @property def refresh( self): """*Refreshs this tasks's attributes if, for example, the parent document's projects or tasks has been sorted* **Usage:** To refresh the task: .. code-block:: python aTask.refresh """ if self.parent: self.parent.refresh replace = None title = self.title for t in self.parent.tasks: if t.title == title: replace = t if not replace: return self.tags = replace.tags self.notes = replace.notes self.tasks = replace.tasks self.content = replace.to_string(indentLevel=0, title=False) return None @property def projects(self): raise AttributeError("task object has no attribute 'projects'")
[docs] def get_project(self): raise AttributeError("task object has no 'get_project' method")
[docs] def tagged_projects(self): raise AttributeError("task object has no 'tagged_projects' method")
[docs] def sort_projects(self): raise AttributeError("task object has no 'sort_projects' method")
[docs] def add_project(self): raise AttributeError("task object has no 'add_project' method")
[docs]class project(baseClass): """ *The taskpaper project object* """ def __repr__(self): return "<Project `%s`>" % self.title @property def refresh( self): """*Refreshs this project's attributes if, for example, the parent document's projects or tasks has been sorted* **Usage:** To refresh the project: .. code-block:: python myProject.refresh """ if self.parent: self.parent.refresh title = self.title replace = self.parent.get_project(title) if not replace: return self.tags = replace.tags self.tasks = replace.tasks self.notes = replace.notes try: title = self.title replace = self.parent.get_project(title) self.tags = replace.tags self.tasks = replace.tasks self.notes = replace.notes except: pass self.projects = replace.projects try: self.projects = replace.projects except: pass self.content = replace.to_string(indentLevel=0, title=False) return
[docs] def delete( self ): """*delete a project from the document* **Return:** - None **Usage:** .. code-block:: python myProject.delete() """ projectTitle = self.title theseProjects = self.parent.projects[:] for p in theseProjects: if p.title == projectTitle: theseProjects.remove(p) break self.parent.projects = theseProjects doc = self while doc: if not doc.parent: break else: doc = doc.parent doc.content = doc.to_string(indentLevel=0, title=False) return None
[docs]class note(baseClass): """ *The taskpaper note object* """ def __repr__(self): return "<Note `%s`>" % self.title @property def projects(self): raise AttributeError("note object has no attribute 'projects'") @property def tasks(self): raise AttributeError("note object has no attribute 'tasks'") @property def notes(self): raise AttributeError("note object has no attribute 'notes'")
[docs] def set_tags(self): raise AttributeError("note object has no 'set_tags' method")
[docs] def add_tag(self): raise AttributeError("note object has no 'add_tag' method")
[docs] def done(self): raise AttributeError("note object has no 'done' method")
[docs] def get_project(self): raise AttributeError("note object has no 'get_project' method")
[docs] def get_task(self): raise AttributeError("note object has no 'get_task' method")
[docs] def tagged_projects(self): raise AttributeError("note object has no 'tagged_projects' method")
[docs] def tagged_tasks(self): raise AttributeError("note object has no 'tagged_tasks' method")
[docs] def sort_projects(self): raise AttributeError("note object has no 'sort_projects' method")
[docs] def sort_tasks(self): raise AttributeError("note object has no 'sort_tasks' method")
[docs] def add_project(self): raise AttributeError("note object has no 'add_project' method")
[docs] def add_note(self): raise AttributeError("note object has no 'add_note' method")
[docs] def add_task(self): raise AttributeError("note object has no 'add_task' method")