Source code for tastic.cl_utils

# encoding: utf-8
Documentation for tastic can be found here:

    tastic init
    tastic sort <pathToFileOrWorkspace> [-s <pathToSettingsFile>]
    tastic archive <pathToFileOrWorkspace> [-s <pathToSettingsFile>]
    tastic [-f] sync <pathToWorkspace> <workspaceName> <pathToSyncFolder> [<editorialRootPath>] [-s <pathToSettingsFile>]
    tastic reminders import <listName> <pathToTaskpaperDoc> 

    init                     setup the tastic settings file for the first time
    sort                     sort a taskpaper file or directory containing taskpaper files via workflow tags in settings file
    archive                  move done tasks in the 'Archive' projects within taskpaper documents into markdown tasklog files
    reminders                commands to work with macOS reminders
    import                   import tasks into a given taskpaper document

    pathToFileOrWorkspace    give a path to an individual taskpaper file or the root of a workspace containing taskpaper files
    pathToTaskpaperDoc       a path to a taskpaper document
    pathToWorkspace          root path of a workspace containing taskpaper files
    workspaceName            the name you give to the workspace
    pathToSyncFolder         path to the folder you wish to sync the index task files into
    listName                 name of a list (macOS only)
    editorialRootPath        the root path of editorial's dropbox sync folder (add to generate an editorial URL for each task)
    -h, --help               show this help message
    -v, --version            show version
    -s, --settings           the settings file
    -f, --fileTags           if the tag to sync is in the filepath (e.g. /@due/mytasks.taskpaper) include all items the file in that tag set

################# GLOBAL IMPORTS ####################
import sys
import os
os.environ['TERM'] = 'vt100'
import readline
import glob
import pickle
from docopt import docopt
from fundamentals import tools, times
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE, STDOUT
from . import workspace
from . import sync as syncc
from . import reminders as reminderss
# from ..__init__ import *

[docs]def main(arguments=None): """ *The main function used when ```` is run as a single script from the cl, or when installed as a cl command* """ # setup the command-line util settings su = tools( arguments=arguments, docString=__doc__, logLevel="DEBUG", options_first=False, projectName="tastic" ) arguments, settings, log, dbConn = su.setup() # unpack remaining cl arguments using `exec` to setup the variable names # automatically for arg, val in arguments.iteritems(): if arg[0] == "-": varname = arg.replace("-", "") + "Flag" else: varname = arg.replace("<", "").replace(">", "") if varname == "import": varname = "iimport" if isinstance(val, str) or isinstance(val, unicode): exec(varname + " = '%s'" % (val,)) else: exec(varname + " = %s" % (val,)) if arg == "--dbConn": dbConn = val log.debug('%s = %s' % (varname, val,)) ## START LOGGING ## startTime = times.get_now_sql_datetime() '--- STARTING TO RUN THE AT %s' % (startTime,)) if init: from os.path import expanduser home = expanduser("~") filepath = home + "/.config/tastic/tastic.yaml" try: cmd = """open %(filepath)s""" % locals() p = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, shell=True) except: pass try: cmd = """start %(filepath)s""" % locals() p = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, shell=True) except: pass # CALL FUNCTIONS/OBJECTS if sort or archive: ws = workspace( log=log, settings=settings, fileOrWorkspacePath=pathToFileOrWorkspace ) if sort: ws.sort() if archive: ws.archive_done() if sync: tp = syncc( log=log, settings=settings, workspaceRoot=pathToWorkspace, workspaceName=workspaceName, syncFolder=pathToSyncFolder, editorialRootPath=editorialRootPath, includeFileTags=fileTagsFlag ) tp.sync() if reminders: r = reminderss( log=log, settings=settings ) r.import_list( listName=listName, pathToTaskpaperDoc=pathToTaskpaperDoc ) if "dbConn" in locals() and dbConn: dbConn.commit() dbConn.close() ## FINISH LOGGING ## endTime = times.get_now_sql_datetime() runningTime = times.calculate_time_difference(startTime, endTime)'-- FINISHED ATTEMPT TO RUN THE AT %s (RUNTIME: %s) --' % (endTime, runningTime, )) return
if __name__ == '__main__': main()